วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Gold: Warcraft Hot Topic

When it comes to gold, Warcraft players and community members are
extremely divided. Some have gold, some do not. Some players have no
trouble making gold, others struggle with farming gold. Warcraft players
are also on two very distinct sides of the gold buying discussion. For
those unfamiliar with gold, Warcraft and the issue surrounding the
purchase, a brief summary: Gold is acquired in game by completing quests,
killing monsters and selling items and crafted goods. Gold is quickly
depleted by purchases of gear and mounts, expensive professions and high
equipment repairs. When it comes to gold, Warcraft players often find
themselves running short and needing to invest time and effort in
acquiring more. This is where the gold buying argument comes in.

Foreign countries, most famously China, employ people to play World of
Warcraft 24 hours a day, in shifts, to gather as much gold as possible.
This gold is then sold over the Internet to other World of Warcraft
players. This is a controversial subject for several reasons. When it
comes to gold, Warcraft players have many options available for earning.
However, many of these options take a lot of time. Those without a lot of
time to play sometimes turn to buying gold in order to better spend the
time they do have to play. The problem is, when it comes to buying gold,
Warcraft rules are very clear. It is completely against the EULA of the
game, and violators of this policy can have their accounts suspended or
even permanently closed. Not only is this a huge risk for something that
is freely available, many World of Warcraft players feel that buying gold
is akin to cheating, giving an unfair advantage, and a sign of a player
who has not earned what he has. Other players, however, see buying gold as

To be completely safe, when it comes to buying gold, Warcraft players
should stick to the rules of the game. The low cost offers splashed around
the Internet may seem tempting, but with gold guides, add ons and other
tools available without risk, it is not worth losing your account.

For More Details Visit: wowguide.ws

